Page 10 - 2017 JFBNews - July
P. 10


       ...And Then There Were Two

       The  team  returned  to  America  June  1,  2017.  We  enjoyed
       the opportunity to minister with them, introduce them to
       our friends, and show them around the city!

       The first  few days  were a bit quiet without a text saying,
       “we are on our way” or a knock at the door. We continue
       digging  into  ministry  and  handling  the  normal  day-to-day

       After  the  team  left,  we  quickly  realized  that  we  need  to
       start reaching out to students and universities again. One of
       the  ways  we’re  trying  to  meet  students  is  by  distributing
       WOTS  outside  of  various  campuses.  We  have  visited  two
       universities  so  far  and  are  using  the  magazine  along  with
       new business cards to advertise the Tuesday evening Bible
       Study. We continue to see new faces attend and are looking
       forward  to  what  God  will  do,  especially  as  a  new  school
       year has begun and more students are around.

       Earlier this month, we returned to Cebu Doctors’ University
       to drop off a letter with the activities we planned to do for
       Street  Level  Ministries  Cebu.  We  went  back  to  follow  up
       with  the  University  and  learned  we  are  unable  to  be  on
       campus. As I write this, we are continuing to pray and seek
       God’s  direction  about  where  He  wants  Street  Level
       Ministries Cebu… and who he wants to be a part of it.

       We have also started working on Creation Science Lessons
       for use with elementary or high school age students. These
       lessons  will  include  material  from  Answers  in  Genesis,  In
       the  Beginning:  Compelling  Evidence  for  Creation  and  the
       Flood  written  by  Walt  Brown  and  other  resources.  These
       lessons  will  be  hands  on,  including  multimedia  and

       As  we  step  further  into  the  next  chapter  of  ministry,  we
       know that the devil does not want us here and there will be
       no easy road, but we are reminded of all that God has done
       so far. Please pray for God’s direction, that we would take
       time  to  seek  Him  asking  the  five  W’s  (who,  what,  when,
       why, and how), and that we would find the software and
       equipment  we  would  like  to  use  for  lessons.  As  always
       thanks  for  praying  for  us  and  stopping  by  to  say  hi  on
       Wednesday evenings!


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