Page 4 - 2017 JFBNews - December
P. 4

from Pastor Jason Gilbert

               The bible has a lot to say about spiritual gifts.  We are      In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul is getting to the heart of the
            probably familiar with the scriptures addressing these gifts.    issue behind our desires concerning marriage.  That we
            If not, take a few minutes and read through in 1 Corinthians   won’t find lasting contentment in seeking and finding a
            12:1-11, Ephesians 4:11-16, and Romans 12:6-8.  In these   spouse.  Nor will we find lasting contentment in seeking and
            verses, we see the various gifts that God gives to each   finding freedom from a spouse.  We will only find lasting
            Christian for serving others, building up the church, and   contentment in our “devotion to the Lord”.  Paul understood
            proclaiming God’s word.  These gifts range from performing   this.  He says in to another church in Philippians 4:11, “I have
            miracles and speaking in tongues to simply helping others,   learned in whatever situation I am to be content”.  Are we
            serving people, giving wise advice, and showing kindness.    learning this valuable lesson that Paul learned?  I fear we are
            Some of these gifts come in the form of positions, such as   often looking for contentment from our circumstances.  Yet
            apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers.  Others in the   true contentment comes from the Lord… despite our
            form of service and practice.  God alone distributes these   circumstances.  And we know that, right?  Then why do we
            gifts to each one as he wills...  None of us have all the gifts.    still run to other sources for our satisfaction?  The truth is,
            None of us operates autonomously.  Yet when we come   we cannot presume we will find this contentment with a
            together we form one body, operated by one spirit, working  tacit devotion to the Lord.  Going to church on Sundays and
            together as one, each with a specific function that benefits   having the right theology won’t satisfy our deepest desires…
            the whole.  Paul summarizes this in Romans 12:6 saying, “In   Eventually we will return to seeking contentment from
            his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain   worldly things, including worldly relationships.  We must be
            things well.”                                      genuinely devoted to God before we will be satisfied with
               With that said, do we realize Paul uses the exact same   Him.  God spoke in Jeremiah 29:13 saying, “You will seek me
            word, gift (the Greek word charisma), to describe one’s   and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”  And
            current marital status?  Paul writes about marriage in 1st   when asked what the greatest command was, Jesus
            Corinthians 7:7 saying, “I wish that all were as I myself am   answered in Matthew 22:37-38, “You shall love the Lord your
            [single].  But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind  God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
            and one of another.”  Really, Paul?  Did you just say   your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.”   Are
            singleness is a gift?  Are you sure you didn’t mean a curse?    we seeking God with all our heart and finding our satisfaction
            And are you also calling marriage a gift?  Based on   in Him?  As John Piper put it, “He is most glorified in us when
            observation, we’d presume Paul is referring to those “special  we are most satisfied with him.”  Are we satisfied with Him?
            cases” ... You know, that one single who never wanted to be     But being content with whatever “gift” God has given us
            married and loves his independence...  Or that one married   isn’t the only goal.  Just as our spiritual gifts are designed to
            couple that still likes each other after fifteen years.  You   operate in complement to one another, so are the gifts of
            know, those who hit the jack pot.  That must be who he’s   singleness and marriage within the church. It’s easy to look
            talking about, right?  But he isn’t.  Paul is addressing every   down on, or to be jealous of another’s, gift.  But we need
            Christian of all time in their current marital state.  Just a few  each other.  God designed us to need each other.  Do we
            verses later in 1 Corinthians 7:27 Paul clarifies, “Are you   value what singles, couples, and families bring into our lives?
            bound to a wife?  Do not seek to be free.  Are you free from   In the end, we will all belong to one eternal spouse as part of
            a wife?  Do not seek a wife.”  And on top of that, Paul isn’t   one big happy eternal family.  Are we living in light of that
            giving this advice to lay some a heavy burden on us, but for   now?  Perhaps doing so would mitigate the current
            our good.  Paul writes in verse 35, “I say this for your own   “epidemic of loneliness” that the recent surgeon general has
            benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote   spoken of.  Are we accompanying each other, praying for
            good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the   each other, encouraging each other, serving each other? The
            Lord.”                                             Apostle Paul demonstrated this well as he acknowledged
                                                               approximately 36 individuals, married couples and singles,
                                                               who accompanied him on missionary journeys, prayed for
                                                               him, encouraged him, visited him in jail, and served him.
                                                               Who would we acknowledge in our life? Do we see the same
                                                               value in each other as Paul found in his companions?
                                                                  God has given varied gifts to his body, the church.  This
                                                               includes pastors and teachers.  This includes helpers,
                                                               servants, and encouragers.  This also includes singles and
                                                               married couples.  May we be thankful for the gifts God has
                                                               given us.  May we value the gifts God has given others.  And
                                                               may we find our greatest satisfaction in Him, as we seek God
                                                               with our whole heart and serve one another in His eternal
                                                               family, the church.
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