Page 10 - 2017 JFBNews - August
P. 10


                               On July 3, 2017, a 21-year old
                            student   and   single   mother
                            committed suicide in a live video
                            stream  on  Facebook.  Her  2-year
                            old  daughter  was  in  the  room
                            with  her.  Less  than  two  weeks
                            later, a 22-year old took his own
                            life,  shortly  after  posting  his
                            farewell note online. His mother
                            and  relatives  found  his  body.
       Both of these suicides happened in Cebu City.
           If  you’ve  been  to  Cebu,  you  can’t  ignore  the
       advertisements that greet you as you walk off the airplane.
       “It’s more fun in the Philippines!” is plastered on sparkling
       images of a crystal clear ocean. The colorful jeepneys, loud
       music, and year-round sunshine attest that Filipinos are a
       happy-go-lucky  bunch  of  people…  they  laugh  their
       problems off! However, you don’t have to be in the country
       for  very  long  to  start  seeing  beyond  the  façade.  Even
       though  depression  and  suicide  are  happening,  no  one
       wants to admit it or talk about it.
           As  we  continue  pushing  forward  with  Street  Level
       Ministries, we are understanding more and more everyday
       what students are going through. Unable to pay tuition up
       front?  Student  loans  are  virtually  nonexistent,  so  I  guess
       you can’t go to school this semester. Want to major in Mass
       Communication? Too bad. Your parents are forcing you to
       take up Mechanical Engineering so you can get a good job
       and send money home. Need someone who will just take
       time  to  listen?  Good  luck.  Online  conversations  are  more
           I  can’t  help  but  wonder,  “What  if  the  students  that
       took their lives had someone who would have listened to
       what  they  were  going  through?  What  if  they  had  a
       classmate who would have been a genuine friend? Would
       they still be alive today?” These are the questions that keep
       me up at night and remind me of how short life really is.
           By  the  time  this  article  is  published,  we  will  already
       have  had  a  recruitment  meeting  for  SLM.  At  this  point,  I
       don’t  know  what  to  expect.  All  I  know  is  that  there  are
       thousands of students in this city and God has called us to
       love,  serve,  and  pray  for  them.  Whether  two  students  or
       twenty  show  up  to  the  meeting,  He  has  already  chosen
       them. Our prayers are that God would allow us to meet and
       minister to the lost, broken, and lonely students; the ones
       who are sick of pretending that everything is okay.
           If you are compelled, please join us in praying for the
       students of this city  – that the truth of the Gospel would
       win out over false gospels and that God would open doors
       for us to minister to students. Also pray that we would be
       discerning  and  wise  with  the  time  we  have  left  before
       returning to the states.

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