Page 5 - 2017 JFBNews - August
P. 5

divine  privileges;  he  took  the  humble  position  of  a  slave  and  was  yes, giving –yes. When you look at the second half of this list, you

         born  as  a  human  being.  When  he  appeared  in  human  form,  he  need to know there is a danger of overplaying these parts in our day
         humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on  and  age  while  undermining  the  harder  qualities  listed  first.  You
         a cross.” Truthful, without manipulation and humble. How do you  cannot  give  the  softer  qualities  while  compromising  the  truth  or
         come  to  your  brothers  and  sisters,  your  co-workers  and  your  holiness.  Warren  W.  Wiersbe  once  said,  “Truth  without  love  is
         neighbors? Too often we come with flattering words or pretext. Too  brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” But we often excuse
         often  we  seek  glory  from  people.  To  put  it  in  modern  terms,  we  hypocrisy and fear brutality in order to play it safe. It’s evil. Truth
         come not wanting people to think badly of us. If we’re honest, we  spoken  in  love  brings  understanding.  Jesus’  method  knows  the
         want  people  to  glory  in  us.  When  we  do  that,  we’re  drawing  hugging,  spanking,  discipline,  teaching,  consequences,  kissing,
         attention  to  the  imperfect  mirror  rather  than  to  Jesus  in  our  encouraging,  joy,  attention,  togetherness,  and  leading;  all  the
         reflection. People are not moved by us but by Him.    aspects  of  parenting.  This  passage  says  Paul  delivered  the  whole
            The  DIDs  proceed  from  here.  Paul  says  they  “as  a  nursing  package.
         mother” were “gentle” and were “affectionately desirous” of them.     How did the people receive it? Verse 13 sums it up for us, “we
         They  were  “ready”  to  share  not  only  the  gospel  but  their  “own  also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word
         selves” as well. The people had become “very dear” to them. In their  of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of
         “labor and toil” they “worked day and night” to “not be a burden” to  men but as what it really is, the word of God.” The evidence is clear
         the  people.  They  were  willing  to  stand  witness  before  God  that Paul and his men were reflecting Jesus.
         concerning how “holy, righteous and blameless” they were “in their     So, how do we get to that place? Go back to verse 4 which gives
         conduct”. As “a father with his children” so they treated the people.  us a key for Paul, “as we have been approved by God to be entrusted
         As a good father, they “exhorted, encouraged and charged” them to  with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God
         “walk in a manner worthy of God”. In this run of passages you get a  who tests our hearts.” When your mirror faces Jesus, Jesus is in the
         broader  picture  of  Christ’s  love;  the  complete  circle  of  love.  reflection. It’s the only way to righteously minister.
         Correction –yes, discipline –yes, direction in the truth –yes, sacrifice  -=tom
         –yes… but that is not the end of it. It equally includes affection –yes,
         warmth –yes, care –yes, nurturing –yes, desire –yes, compassion –



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