Believers Campus Church!

Tonight, we met at The Street Level House in Menomonie for our mid-week church service called Believers Campus Church! We had a great time together worshipping and studying the bible together… This semester we are working through the Gospel of John.

If you’re looking for a church or looking to learn the bible, stop by at 7pm on a Wednesday night!

Checkout our new layout for Believers Campus Church!!

Believers Campus Church had its last meeting of the semester on Wednesday night, Dec 13th.

We mixed things up a bit… Instead of having a stage and an audience, we are going with more of a casual “living room” format from now on. We had a good turnout for worshipping God one last time together before winter break!

We will resume normal meetings at 7pm at The Street Level House on Jan 24th, 2024.

*Note: Until then, we will be meeting on Wednesday nights at The Street Level House for a Local Community Bible Study.

The Long Way Back…

With our last morning in New Orleans dawning, the team spent the last couple hours visiting our favorite coffeeshops and grocery stores to prepare for the road back to Wisconsin. We got one last look at the church building we spent so much time at from our bus ride, a fitting way to end our week of work.

Everything completed and packed up, we settled into our seats and enjoyed the view of beautiful Louisiana speeding past. After a gorgeous sunrise, we pulled into Chicago and then all piled into the vans to begin our driving segment of the journey.

The past week and a bit have been filled with so many fun stories, challenges, and blessings. From a quick change of plans start on the way down, to four days of work in the sun or in the shotgun building, and then one final sprint to beat the storm, God has been working in us and guiding us through every step of the way! We are coming back thankful we finished what we came down to do, and grateful for the opportunity to serve. Thanks for holding down the fort for us!

Annex Complete!

Blind Munchies Coffee Outreach

The Blind Munchies coffee trailer had a busy week doing outreach at UW Stout, UW River Falls, and the CVTC campus in River Falls. We gave away cold press (lots and lots of cold press…), hot coffee, and information about Street Level’s weekly meeting and Believers Campus Church.