Month: August 2021

August 7, 2021 JFB Books and Media

When David volunteered to meet Goliath’s challenge to Israel, King Saul was concerned about what David would wear into battle. In fact, Saul placed his own armour on David. But it didn’t fit, and it would have proved more of a hindrance than a help in David’s battle. He was better off without the king’s armour, carrying just his sling and five smooth stones.

But there’s no reason for today’s believer to be gazing off toward the battlefield mumbling, “I just don’t have anything to wear.” In Ephesians 6, God tells believers exactly what to wear to stand firm – and His armour is tailor made. Stand will reacquaint you with each piece of armour God has provided – and you’ll learn how to use that armour in your daily fight on the battlefield.

The Believers Bookstore is available to the public 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Friday. Also, look for the sign near the front door. Feel free to browse the shelves during the week.

Any questions? Contact:

August 2, 2021 Pastor Jason Gilbert | Menomonie

What is Received…

When we adopted our cats from the humane society, they were in a small cage with a water bowl, food dish, and litter tray. All they knew of life was being incarcerated in a cell, with the bare necessities to survive…

Today, they have an unlimited supply of ‘science diet’ duck mixed with salmon. On Saturdays, they get fancy feast tuna, white fish, or chicken in a creamy sauce with vegetables. During the week, they get to roll around in catnip, wear it, and lick it off themselves.

They also live in 900 square foot house, full of wide window sills to lay on, providing a 3D high-definition view of birds, bird feeders, birdhouses, trees, flowers, squirrels, rabbits, etc. While their masters are away, a laser turns on and flashes patterns across the floor for 15 minutes out of each hour… They also have dozens of toys to play with and cat-ghans (i.e. small afghans crocheted by Faye’s mom) to nap on.

They have received a lot, since their humble beginnings, in a confinement, with little to no creature comforts.

I wonder how many of us could make a parallel illustration in our own life? Have we stopped to consider what we have received from God…? Has not God given us more than we deserve… more than we need… sometimes more than we even hoped for…?

“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”

Romans 8:32

“His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory to virtue.”

2 Peter 1:3

“…God, who richly provides us all things to enjoy.”

1 Timothy 6:17

What is Returned…

When we come home, our cats are jostling for the window closest to the door, meowing as if in great pain until we enter. When we come in, they rub up against us, then roll over so we can pet their bellies. When we sit down, they snuggle on us and close their eyes purring. When we say ‘bedtime’, they race up the stairs and jump into the bed. One forces himself between Faye and I, throwing his back against me, pushing off of Faye with his feet. The other wraps herself around Faye’s head on the pillow… If we sleep too late or are too still, one will paw at our faces and the other will meow an alarm, to see if we are ok. When we get up, they plop down the stairs in front of us, while we are half asleep. They know they are likely to get stepped on, but they don’t care… They just want to be close…

I wonder how many of us could make a parallel illustration in our own life? Have we stopped to consider how we return our affection and thankfulness to God? Maybe this illustration is not as easy to identify in our lives…

Here is what scripture says about thanking God,

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”

Psalm 34:8

“Give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.”

Psalm 107:21

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

But often our thankfulness is more like a parent telling a child to write thank you cards. The child may oblige out of duty but has little heartfelt desire to do so…


What does heartfelt affection and thankfulness really look like?

Much like our cats’.

When we wake up, we would desire intimacy with Him, meditating over the His Word. When He seems distant to us, we would search for Him in earnest prayer and pleading. When there is an opportunity to gather for worship, or service, to hear His voice, we would run to the door to meet Him. When we retire in the evening, our hearts and thoughts would push up against His…

Does that describe our appreciation… for our Master?

As David exclaimed,

“I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.”

Psalm 9:1-2

It’s time to give Him thanks… with our whole heart…