Duluth Happenings

July 13, 2020 Believers Church Duluth

Bible Study

JFB Duluth had the privilege of meeting back in person during June and early July, which was wonderful after time apart physically. With masked faces and sanitized hands, we gathered for Sunday and Wednesday services. We are continuing to cover the book of Revelation and completed the first three chapters, specifically looking at the letters to the seven churches. Wednesday services have included member meetings, continuing in our study of 2 Kings and we took one Wednesday service to split apart for a men’s and women’s study. However, during the past week, we have moved back to online service only; hopefully for a short period, as we individually learn to take the necessary precautions to ensure safety for our brothers and sisters. Thankfully, our technology upgrades from springtime quarantine remain in place and allow us to stream services via YouTube.

College Ministry

Despite the restrictions due to the covid19 pandemic, we are seeking to be faithful to what opportunities God does allow. Our Street Level leaders have continued to meet virtually as they plan for the next semester. Please pray for the Mosses and the Street Level leaders as they seek to plan for the upcoming semester considering the new challenges at hand in light of covid19 and college campuses.

Moreover, WOTS has continued to work on compiling the next edition to be released online. It has certainly been a challenge for writers to consider articles in light of covid19 and what the fall might look like for student readers. There has also been some landscaping work done on the shrubs around the building, which included putting some rocks and bordering around the shrubbery.

Please pray for our JFB Duluth pastors regarding wisdom as they lead and navigate our church through this pandemic. Additionally, please pray that all of us members would seek to love one another and treasure the church God has and is building here in Duluth.
