October 13, 2021 Believers Church Duluth

It’s already October??!!! Okay, here is what has been happening in Duluth. 


On Sundays, we are continuing in the book of Romans (6-8). Here we have learned that you either obey sin or you obey Christ. There is a difference between servant and slave. Under the law, you die, but Jesus is the perfect husband. God’s law reveals the truth of the condition of your soul. To fight sin, start with the renewal of your mind. When you were born again, you were born into war (sin vs. flesh). Victory over sin is possible (through Jesus). On Wednesdays, at the Street Level house we are going through 1 Peter (1-2). Here we have learned that we should get to a point where God can utilize our character, and that character refinement is wonderful! We should “abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul”. And we have also learned the importance of submission. Please pray that we remember this in the coming months and years ahead, and that we can strengthen and encourage one another through love of what scripture has said. 


Beyond just the weekly outreaches, Community Group was provided two separate ways to reach the community in bigger ways this past month. Superior had their East End Days (whole community having a rummage sale) that we were able to use as a way to reach a neighborhood that we have not before. A couple allowed the church to set up a rummage sale in their yard that day, as well as providing information about who we are as a church. On the same day, a separate group was in Chester Bowl (a Duluth community on the East side of town) and participated in their Fall Festival. It was so chaotically fun!! Those who were at the Fall Festival had the coffee trailer set up as a vendor and a way to also provide information about the church. Looking ahead, the Community Group has been invited back to Boo at the Zoo through the church. Please pray for us to not take it for granted and that God would provide those opportunities where we get to show what He is like. 


Street Level has been busy as well this past month. They started a series called “Alpha”. They have used several nights to have dinner together and chat ,or watch movies, or even just fellowship by playing games. After the rummage sale, they were able to set up a booth on campus to provide students with hot beverages in the morning, as well as get the word out on who they are. Street Level was then able to host Burning Dog Radio for a live broadcast at Jacket Fest. This weekend they were headed to the summit hosted by the Street Level in Menomonie. Please pray that God would provide people for Street Level, and that God would direct the group in what endeavors they need to pursue. 

I think that’s all I’ve got for now…… Until we see each other again. 
