Duluth Update

May 14, 2018 Believers Church Duluth

Looking Back

As I’m sitting down to write the Duluth update, it’s striking me how much God has allowed us to do – and in that, shape who we are becoming – this past month.

We have started preparing for our own domestic missions trip to Kentucky (which is a first for us). Please pray for us in this as we get ready – physically and spiritually. Because of the trip happening, we got to spend some time with Brian and Laura H. when they joined us for our prayer breakfast and work day earlier in the month. We accomplished a lot that day, in rummage sale set up and in getting the sanctuary ready for Sunday church services that will be held up there soon.
There was a night that a few of us Superior residents were displaced from our homes due to the refinery fire/explosion so we made the best of it and had a sleepover at the church.
We had our 9th annual spring rummage sale recently, which proved yet again to be one of the best days of the year for us. We got to meet new people and see some “regulars” at our sales as well. And we were able to raise some funds to put towards missions endeavors.
Street Level has another semester in the books now and is looking forward to seeing what God has for us over the summer.


We’ve just finished up the studies through James and Jude on Sunday mornings, so we will be going through 1 and 2 Peter now. We also had the opportunity to hear from Jonah when he and Jess joined us for a weekend. Wednesdays have been a very enjoyable read through the first few of the second book of Psalms, sometimes followed by smaller group discussions. In classes we are really digging into the doctrine of the Holy Spirit so we can grow in our understanding of Him and learn how to truly be Spirit led.
Thanks for your prayers.
meeting together is it warm yet kitchen time thrift salechilling on the steps