Duluth Update

January 13, 2019 Believers Church Duluth

Starting in 2019 JFB Duluth will be seeing an interruption to our regularly scheduled programming. This change will be seen in a couple different ways during our Wednesday evening services. The book of Psalms is split into five separate books and for the past several months we have been working our way verse by verse through the second of those books. In that time we have seen God bring David and the other Psalmists to the highest of highs. We have also seen the lowest of lows. We’ve seen times of great joy, satisfaction and comfort but also severe desperation, anxiety and hardship. You can expect all of this when following God’s lead.

Moving forward we will continue to have nights going through scripture, doing as the apostle Paul and “not shrinking from declaring the whole counsel of God.” We will still have times to discuss and put into practice what we are learning. But we will also have some additions in order to change things up a bit.

Unlocking the Mysteries in Genesis

Every third Wednesday in 2019 we will be going through a video series and discussion looking at the start of it all: Genesis. The questions that the book of Genesis answer are some of the biggest questions ever. They are issues with some far reaching implications. These are questions that deserve thought. We must not assume that we are already believing the truth without some actual thought and concern for why we believe what we believe. If we do so, we are doing ourselves a great disservice.

Many Christians believe in creation for the same reason that many atheists believe in evolution. At some point in their lives someone told them that it was the truth. They didn’t think about it and were not convinced of its validity in their own mind. They simply listened and did as they were told. We need to be thinking Christians. Christians with real answers to real questions. This series will help us with that.

Getting out of the Building

Every once in a while there are months with five Wednesdays rather than the usual four. This year, in addition to the Genesis video series, we are going to take every fifth Wednesday as opportunities to be thrown out of our routine.

God commands to “not forsake gathering together.” We are supposed to be together. We are supposed to have church regularly, week after week, month after month. I’d go so far as to say that it should be a routine of ours. But God is greatly concerned that the regular gathering together that we are commanded to do can easily turn into empty religious routine. It can become a full schedule, but void of life and void of real Christianity. Now this is a matter of the heart. This cannot be avoided by a simple change of schedule, but sometimes a change in our routine is just enough to wake us up if we are thoughtlessly engaged in an autopilot routine.

The fifth Wednesday in January we are going to split up into groups and go out for dinner somewhere in the Twin Ports. This not only shakes up the routine but allows us to casually share a meal together while discussing God and what He is doing. It is another opportunity for us to engage in real communion together. And we will get to be out in the community together. (also who doesn’t like a good cheeseburger)

I don’t know if it okay to write or not… but Wednesday nights have always been a favorite for me. They have been ever since the first Wednesday service I came to at JFB Duluth. It was a Dinner and Book Study night. We read “Radical Together” with the whole group around some pushed together tables. I sat by Matt. We ate tacos. I felt like I was at home, like I was where I was supposed to be, and like God was doing something. Let’s see what He will do with these Wednesdays at JFB Duluth throughout 2019. I’m looking forward to it.

-Pastor Jesse