JFB Duluth Update

September 13, 2018 Believers Church Duluth

JFB Duluth: End of Summer Wrap Up

Summer has ended, and three weeks from now there will be snow on the ground. Yikes! August was a busy month for us here in the northland. Our big events started with our church bike ride to Lester Park, stopping at the New London Café for lunch in between. Next, we had our church workday, making the church look fresh one coat of paint at a time. To wrap it up, Duluth had a great time camping with the rest of the JFB family in Danbury, WI at Camp Croix. Thanks be to God for keeping the weather nice when we needed it!


We just finished up 1 and 2 Peter and are now moving on to the book of John, learning who God is through his son Jesus Christ. For our Wednesday night studies, we are in the book of Psalms, learning how David handles his struggles by putting his faith in God. As for our Dinner and Bible Study nights, we just finished the Great Exchange series and starting Francis Chan’s Forgotten God series.

Street Level Updates

Towards the end of August, Street Level printed 850 copies of Word on the Street with their new (used) printer! The first week of student’s coming back to school has been a great success and have met more students than we have in the past, roasting s’mores, handing out ice-cream, slacklining, and playing multiple games. For the month of September, Street Level is meeting on campus on Sundays from 5-7 pm and for the semester, meeting on Tuesday’s at Big Apple Bagels! Upcoming Street Level events include our canoe trip on the Brule River and still in the works is Open Mic Night at Big Apple Bagels.

God is on the move, and so are we! We can’t wait to see what God has in store for us next!tent raisingcommunity groupcanoeing at Camp Croix