June Update

June 15, 2021 Believers Church Duluth

The human heart is extremely fickle, especially when it comes to weather. We Duluthians beg and plead and hope all year round for Summer to come, and boy did it ever. The first few days of June saw 90 degrees and those who complain when it is too cold can now be heard complaining that it’s too hot. Typical.

Soaking in the Sun

The nice weather has allowed us to get to work on a variety of outdoor missions. The covenant community camped overnight, and the following morning we cleared trees, put in a culvert, and built steps to the outhouse.

Also, Community Group brought the coffee trailer to the zoo for their Mother’s Day event. This is the second time we’ve been a vendor, and our relationship continues to build. They seem to like us and we like them. In addition, Community Group is systematically going door-to-door from one end of the city to the other with church fliers. They never know who is going to answer the door, or if they will at all, so it keeps them on their toes.

Street Level officially ended their semester and have continued to meet at the Garage for work nights and fellowship. A lot of changes are taking place on the property. We cleaned the Upper Room for visitors, and are preparing the rest of the property to be used for Street Level’s regular meetings, fellowship and events this coming fall.

Face to Face Fellowship

With the lifting of the mask mandate and social distancing, we can finally see each other’s faces and sit by one another at the same table for meals. It’s a subtle thing, but it has renewed our spirits and encouraged more authentic fellowship.

We’ve not only enjoyed seeing our own faces again but we have recently enjoyed visiting Believers’ Church Menomonie. We shut the doors of Duluth to come down on Memorial Day weekend. The cross-church fellowship takes on new meaning and significance after a year like 2020.

Prayer, Please

On Wednesdays we continue through Jeremiah and on Sundays we’re a few chapters into Romans. We are just beginning new men’s and women’s studies through Disciplines of a Godly Man and Disciplines of a Godly Woman respectively. Please pray that with all of this teaching we would both absorb and execute and not be “hearers only.”

Also, we would appreciate prayer for God to lead us individually and corporately this Summer to make the most of opportunities as they come—to take chances and be bold for His sake. Thank you for any and all prayer—we’ll do the same!
