Covenant Breakfast and Campground Cleanup

May 6, 2019 Believers Church

Covenant Member Breakfast

Sunday May 5th the Covenant Community of JFB held a breakfast and quarterly meeting. Among the points of the agenda we welcomed Dan and Lisa, Peter, and Melissa into covenant membership. Congratulations!

If you are interested in Covenant Membership, look for the brochure in the lobby of the church and speak with your fellowship ministry leader for more details.

Campground Cleanup

The fellowship ministries (Gnosko, Kindred, and OneLife) got together Sunday for our annual spring cleanup to prepare the campground for the summer season. We moved and 4.6 billion leaves, put down 50 lbs of grass seed, and split a bunch of wood. The afternoon ended with a camp fire and fellowship. Thanks for all your hard work, everyone. Looking forward to many good times outside.

A little something to remember the cleanup day by…