Letting Go of Bitterness

March 28, 2019 Believers Church

The Issue

There are times in the Christian life when something we see or experience causes us to question the justice and goodness of God. And even though our judgment is clouded in these times, we grow angry with God or the people around us because of what we “believe” is happening around us. That’s when bitterness finds root, and man, it can be tough to let go of.

Psalm 73 sheds some light into why our hearts are prone to “slipping” away from God’s reality when bitterness finds root. Asaph’s personal experience with this is forever recorded in the pages of the bible to bring direction and hope to those who are confined by or distorted by their perceptions of what is happening around them.

Desiring God Article by Jon Bloom

In his recent article “Leave Behind the Weariness of Bitterness”, Jon Bloom helps us to see that this is not uncommon to the people of God and shows us what Asaph did to rise up out of it.

Check out this compelling message to the embittered Christian: LINK