Homeschool Group Update

February 28, 2021 The Homeschool Ministry

Over the past months, the Homeschool Group has continued to meet weekly for a time of shared work and fitness. We’ve also been able to interact with several covenant members, as well as the whole Kindred Group.

In November, we bundled up at the church campground to look at the stars and planets through Cory’s telescope. We celebrated New Year’s Eve with a showing of The Lion, The Witch and Wardrobe with Kindred, complete with movie trivia. January brought a virtual Creation Science lesson with Laura, ice skating with Kelsey and a parenting discussion. Several weeks ago, the kids learned the different positions in ballet as Carrie gave a lesson in dance. We love that we are part of a church that has people with so many interests and talents!

Our weekly meeting is a time where the kids can share about different topics they are learning about. In this way, they are working on public speaking skills. Right now most of them are working on being loud enough for the people across the room to hear them as they speak with masks on. After a time of shared reading, workbooks are opened and practice spelling tests are given to each other. It’s nice to interact with friends during this time.