Why Do I Have to Learn Math?

August 28, 2021 The Homeschool Ministry

If you think back to your time in school, there was probably a subject you did not really like. When we are homeschooling our kids the same thing tends to be true for each one of them. It may be they just do not have an interest in a particular subject. It may also be the case that one subject is more difficult for them.

Whichever the case may be, it is important to encourage them that what they are learning in school is not just about getting through the lessons but it is about learning about the world that God created. Here is a podcast from Pastor John Piper where he responds to a question he received from an 8 year old that didn’t like math. To quote the article, “God loves it when his people, including 8-year-olds, study his world, and understand it, and use it for his glory.”

It is important for all of us to remember that there is a reason to study what we are studying. We learn math (or any subject) not just to graduate and get a job, but ultimately to use what we learn for God’s Kingdom.

This is one of those articles that isn’t just for parents, but its also a good one for kids (or college students and those who hate math) to listen to.