River Falls Ministry News / August 2020

August 19, 2020 River Falls Ministry

Get the latest news from Believers Church plant and Street Level college ministry in River Falls, WI.

Church Outreach

In early August, we did a coffee giveaway in Veterans Park, downtown on Main Street. We had a beautiful day to give away several gallons of cold brew, coffee, and Blind Munchies stickers. While we served the coffee we handed out information about our weekly Bible studies and also had several good conversations.

Recently, we restarted “live” Bible studies here in River Falls. We have, of course, had to change the flow of things to adapt to the current situation, but we are happy to be getting back to meeting in-person. Also, we’ve started eating simple meals outside after the our Sunday evening meeting – the time of fellowship time has been very welcome.

Additionally, it’s been fun for us to host one of the Wednesday night discussion groups from Menomonie. Each week different people have been traveling here and meeting at the coffeehouse for the discussion. It follows much the same format as in Menomonie, but we are watching the video live stream of Pastor Tim rather than listening on the radio. We follow it up with the same simple discussion format.

Street Level

Our preparation is fully underway for the Fall semester at UW-River Falls. This is the time of year that we start to see a lot of new faces and make new acquaintances. We hope some of these turn into friendship and discipleship relationships. We’ve recently brought on a new student president and have been working with her to navigate the fluid virus-influenced changes.

While we don’t know exactly what to expect, we are doing what we can to be as ready as we can: prepping coffee giveaways, online org presentations, flyers, etc. All these small preparatory projects have become the center of attention. We’re praying that God takes our small offerings and multiplies the effect to add to his kingdom.

Prayer Requests…

  • Pray for our student org president and for our planning: that God would lead us to make great connections with students over the next few weeks.
  • Helpful and creative advertising.
  • That we can have make real relationships with people in the city that would attend the Bible studies.

For Further Information

Get the latest news from Believers Church plant and Street Level college ministry in River Falls, WI.