River Falls News / May 2018

May 20, 2018 River Falls Ministry

Hello Spring

It felt like an abrupt end to the winter and consequently the semester here in River Falls. One week we are calling off people from driving over due to snow, and the next week we have windows open at the Street Level place. But, now we’re full-on summer and looking forward to what lies ahead.

What’s been

As the semester wound down, we had the chance to take the Tuesday night Street Level group to attend a lecture on campus by a former atheist-turned Christian. He was a material scientist at the U of M for many years, where he spent a lot of time looking into the plausibility of the chemical origins of life – and he discovered that the random chance theories just didn’t make sense. He spoke to the crowd of about 200 in very down to earth terms and took and answered a lot of questions from the attendees. Getting outside of our norm to attend an event like this was a welcomed thing for our group.

Street Level just finished the last few weeks of the semester wrapping up “The Story” curriculum. We believe it was a good series to give everyone a comprehensive understanding of the big picture of the Bible: God’s plan throughout history to restore humankind’s relationship with himself. The series ended by looking at Revelation – not to discuss plagues and the Antichrist – but learning about what kind of life lies ahead for believers in the New Creation. Our very last meeting of the semester was a great excuse to grill out together and enjoy the weather. We played some games and kept the mood pretty light. As we said goodbye to the students, who were all returning home for the summer, we wished them well and in our minds prayed that God would keep them growing over the next 3 months. We hope their summer is fruitful.

This Summer

The Sunday evening Bible study will continue through the summer at 5pm, followed by dinner at 6pm. Our focus will remain very heavily on verse-by-verse followed by open discussion concerning application of the text. We are currently in Galatians and plan to move around in the New Testament letters over the course of the summer. We’ve had some new visitors recently to the study, and we are curious what God has planned for it. In addition to the Sunday study, our other official outlet for community outreach will take place on Tuesday evenings. We will be doing a weekly grill out at 6:30pm and have the Street Level place open for hangout.

May Calendar

  • Sundays: 5pm / JFBelievers Bible Study,  6pm / meal
  • Tuesdays: Community Grill Out, 6:30pm

Online Presence

RF Study

RF Study 2

game time guys

lets play cards

bible study
