June Ministry in Cebu

June 25, 2021 Shofar Missions Cebu

Read the latest updates from the mission field in Cebu, Philippines.

Domestic Mission Trip

At the end of May, we took a 3-day trip across the island to Toledo and Balamban. KC, one of the SLM members, came and assisted. We updated programming at both Shofar TV stations hung banners to promote the channels. We also caught up with a few pastors and distributed the latest Shofar newsletter. On the second day of the trip, we held a coffee giveaway for college students at Knockbucks Café. A few of the SLM members were able to help at the booth, and we met quite a few students. We also hit the streets with WOTS magazines and posters. At the end of the day, we regrouped at Yummio and caught up with the owner there. He has been a main contact with a couple of schools in the area, so we left Exploring Creation Science proposals with him to pass along to the administration. On the way back to the city, we journeyed through Cantabaco, visited Spring Park, and stopped at Southern Bethany. The trips out of the city are always a breath of fresh air (literally) and good for maintaining relationships and forming new ones.  

Street Level Ministries

At the beginning of June, we started a new series called “FOCUS.” The summer can be a time that students “check out” so we thought it best to give it all we’ve got and encourage students to focus on what matters. Every week, we define key terms that every disciple needs to know. Check out the video promo to see all the terms we’ll cover this summer:

In addition to weekly bible discussions, SLM members continue to serve in WOTS and SLR. Final drafts have been submitted for Issue 87, so now we’re moving on to layout. Check out the video below to hear Fred read his Bisaya poem for the next issue. Last Saturday, we had a brainstorming meeting with Ruby, our only SLR DJ, to pray for the station and discuss ways we can keep serving remotely. On July 3, we are planning an in-person member meeting in Cantabaco. Since we’re still meeting virtually, we’re really looking forward to meeting in-person for a few hours on a Saturday.

Exploring Creation Science

In June, students in grades 4-6 and 7-12 got to learn all about forensic science and DNA during a 4-week series special. Students were able to look at fingerprints and learn how to do the experiments at home. How can one deny the existence of a creator when you look at how unique every person’s fingerprint is? Lessons will continue as schools keep teaching throughout the summer. Since lessons are online, it makes it easily accessible for students to keep learning. Schools will resume at different times (either July or August), so new Explore booklets will be developed and ready to go for the new semester next month.

Life & Other Things

We thank God for the opportunities to fellowship with people in-person. Although things are still pretty restricted, we’ve been able to attend Sunday services at local churches that we have relationships with. We’ve also been invited to attend one church’s young adults fellowship and are starting to form new friendships. We’ve also grilled out with neighbors and had a few visitors to the office. Zoom and Google Meet calls are still the bulk of our communication with people, so we snatch up any chance we can to be in-person!

Prayer Requests

  • Vision and wisdom for ministry as things continue online
  • True discipleship and gospel clarity among the SLM students
  • Continued relationships with schools and development of lessons for the upcoming year
  • For Filipinos to get vaccinated and for the country to open up to foreign tourists
  • Our upcoming trip to Cantabaco on July 3 – safety, for all the SLM members to attend, and for good fellowship