Shofar Missions – Ministry Update

October 25, 2020 Shofar Missions Cebu

Greetings from the Philippines! Read the latest ministry update from Shofar Missions Cebu.

Getting Out There

After months of strict quarantines, God has allowed us to get out and see people that we haven’t seen in months. We have even been able to leave the city borders! Our trips have included updates to Shofar Cable TV in Balamban, visits to Street Level Ministries students, brief meetings with staff at schools, and fellowshipping with various churches on Sundays. God is good… we’ve been reminded of how incredibly important and encouraging it is to be among His people.

Street Level Ministries

This semester is proving to be a challenging, yet fruitful season for Street Level Ministries Cebu. Although we are not meeting in person for our weekly meetings, God has provided many ways for us to stay connected to the students. We are currently going verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark during our Friday night Bible discussions on Google Meet. A couple of weeks ago, Jonah and Jessica from SLM River Falls joined us for our meeting. We have been able to see most of the SLM members in person and plan to continue visiting them individually as the semester goes on. The next issue of Word on the Street Magazine will release next month. It’s amazing what God allows us to do despite being spread out across the islands!

Exploring Creation Science

It’s October, which means it’s Science Month! At the Banawa Nazarene School, that involves weekly lessons on Zoom for the Grade 4 students. This provides an interactive learning environment where students can ask questions and engage with the experiments digitally. Hopefully, a set of similar interactive lessons will be taught to the Inayawan Nazarene students next month. Schools also have the opportunity to watch lessons via Facebook Live at a set time each week. These lessons will continue for the remainder of the semester. Also available to students are Daily Bible Reading posts and worksheets online, as well as printed Explore Booklets. The ultimate goal is to equip students to know why they believe what they believe.

Prayer Requests

  1. For God’s continued protection from the virus and on our bikes as we seek to safely minister.
  2. That the SLM students would desire to know Jesus better, to wholeheartedly follow Him, and that their love for Him would compel them to reach out to other students.
  3. Fruitful ministry among primary and secondary aged students, strong internet connections, and continued growing relationships with school staff.