Shofar Mission Cebu Update

October 25, 2019 Shofar Missions Cebu

Greetings from the Philippines! Read the latest update about what God is doing through Shofar Mission in Cebu.

Three Years Later

It is hard to believe that November first marks the third year since Laura and I moved to the Philippines. In many ways, it seems like it happened just yesterday. However, when I look back on it all, it’s hard to believe it has only been three years. A lot has changed in that amount of time – let alone since Shofar Mission’s conception many years ago! I’m sure a lot more will change as the years go by, and I hope that what we are doing now will bear fruit long after we’re dead and gone. As I think about what has changed, is changing, and will change, I’m comforted by the fact that our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Campus Outreach

Since our last update, Street Level Ministries had an informational booth on campus during Intramurals week. At the booth, we gave away free coffee, Word on the Street Magazines, and fliers for our Orientation Meeting scheduled for the following week. At that meeting, we cast the vision for Street Level Ministries and invited students to participate in God’s mission on their campus.

Currently, we are putting the final touches on the newest issue of Word on the Street Magazine, and preparing to start the next issue. Since we implemented SLM membership in September, we have two new students volunteering for the magazine. We are also training three students in as DJ’s for our internet radio station, Street Level Radio.

It’s exciting to see God at work in the students’ lives and at their university. In the midst of it all, I have often been reminded that when we are faithful in the little things, God will entrust us with the big things (Luke 16:10).

Exploring Creation Science

During the first half of the semester, Laura was able to teach grades 4 through 9 at three different schools. Classes are slated to finish at two other schools before Christmas Break. Three different curriculum sets were taught. During these lessons, students discover how science and creation go hand-in-hand to help them learn why they believe what they believe. As we approach the semester break next week, we are actively pursuing new schools (both private and public) to teach the curriculum. It’s amazing to see God open doors at new schools – usually, it’s through a friend or contact with a previous school that leads to the next one! There really are only four people in Cebu…

Prayer Requests

  • The Street Level students to grow in their relationship with God and passion to reach out to their classmates.
  • Upcoming meetings with new schools to teach Exploring Creation Science and curriculum development.