The Story Continues

June 25, 2018 Shofar Missions Cebu

The Story

New Covenant Church Cebu Bible Study
Midweek Bible Study with New Covenant Church

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

How timely it has been to go through the Forgotten God series on Wednesdays! Though we cannot join the church for evening discussions, we still get to watch the service later. We then discuss with each other what God is teaching us. We are continually learning how vital it is to be led by the Holy Spirit daily, submit to, and obey Him. This matters even down to being in the right place at the right time to talk to the right person whom He puts in our path. What we’ve been learning also parlays with the Sunday services at our “home” church here as we journey through Acts. It’s really neat to be connected to a young church who is seeking God’s missional direction both corporately and individually.

An Office

Buildings in Cebu City
One of many “FOR RENT” banners on a building that’s NOT for rent anymore!

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8

Without fail, as God teaches us, He puts our schooling to the test! We’ve been looking for an office – a headquarters – for Street Level. It is quite simply the only way we see to proceed with the ministry as every school and student’s calendars are different! Our dream is to have multiple bible studies throughout the week and have a home where students can hang out during vacant times. We’ve scoured websites, walked the streets, knocked on doors, texted, called, reached out to colleagues, and have not yet found “the space.” I am reminded of the journey we took until we finally found Elicon House nearly one year ago. Even God’s closed doors are His hand guiding us in the right direction, so we remain hopeful!

Radio Outreach

Street Level Radio Cebu Live Broadcast
Live Radio Broadcast from Teofel Hostel

“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” 1 Cor. 3:7

We have officially started a new school year, which, aside from increased traffic, is very exciting! With that comes more time spent on the streets doing live radio broadcasts, handing out fliers, and distributing WOTS. Laura and I have successfully hosted two live radio broadcasts and are still seeking God for the next SLR install location… please keep that in your prayers. We’ve resumed “The Story” during our weekly meetings; John noted that he was very excited to start the New Testament! We’re heavily encouraging each student to take time personally to spend with God in their Bibles and develop that spiritual discipline. It can be discouraging to see the things of the world steal their attention away, yet I trust that God is continually working in them. He is the Master Gardener… we’re just planting seeds and watering those that others have planted! Please continue to pray for more students to be added to the group and that the ones who have returned will continue to grow as disciples.

We have some exciting plans in the works (i.e. new science curriculum and a one-year anniversary party for SLM!) and look forward to what God will do. Thanks for remembering us in your prayers!