Unidentified Flying Objects

December 25, 2021 Shofar Missions Cebu

See what is happening with Shofar Mission Cebu.

On December 16, a storm signal 4 was raised in Cebu City. Some staff and students we know in Cebu Island were evacuated as much of the city lost electric around 4pm. The storm hit Cebu City between 9pm-10pm with very strong winds picking up shacks (small houses usually with tin roofs) sending the roofing tin flying through the air. Doors and windows couldn’t keep the rain out and the wind shredded leaves and tore through the trees.

Street Level Ministries

Earlier this month, we got into the community to do a live radio broadcast with Street Level Radio. This gave us an opportunity to meet a few new students. We also started distributing Word on the Street Magazine at two local cafes. We planned to host a Murder Mystery Christmas Party, but the storm cancelled it. Maybe it could be a New Year’s Party… we’re done with weekly Bible discussions for the semester and look forward to restarting in January. Hopefully, we’ll get to have more students join us in the office for phygital discussions.  

Exploring Creation Science

Earlier this month we had several opportunities to reach out to local churches and schools that we work with in Metro Cebu. We were able to bless the staff with a fruit basket and card for the holiday season. Since they were set to hand out items for next semester before break we also left new Explore Booklets and certificates.

Whether teachers were ready or not the semester ended early. Due to the storm, it was clear there would be no classes on December 16, 2021. Exploring Creation Science lessons ended for the holiday break with a couple of schools offering an opportunity to host a review with the students. Instead of playing a review game students received the review information via messenger. Some students will start the year joining from a temporary home due to the typhoon. When classes continue in January there are several different ideas of how to continue amid the typhoon clean up.

Please continue to pray for the Philippines specifically those affected by the typhoon!