Departing a Semester, Apart

May 16, 2020 Street Level College Ministries

This past Monday was the final Street Level meeting of the UW-Stout semester. By the time you read this, finals week will be over, and a few Street Level members will be graduated.

We’ve been meeting via conference call for the past few weeks, continuing our discussions from before all the social distancing. We have been going through material about what it means to be a radical follower of Jesus in this present time. The semester ended with us reflecting on our own walk with God. To ask whether we are distracted by our own life and desires, or are we focused on pursuing Jesus. This was an appropriate analysis given the time and situation we are all in.

Two month’s ago…

It is crazy to think that it was two months ago that we were still doing meals at the Street Level house, welcoming in strangers to join us, and having a full group conversation together. We then moved to meeting in small groups at various locations, video calling between the groups to ‘stay together’ and now we are completely in the digital realm for meetings. Each transition felt like a hard one, but it also provided a new way to connect, reflect, and realize who we each really are when we are on our own. This has proven difficult for us all, but God is no doubt speaking to us.

What even is a Campus Ministry?

This entire situation has really tested and allowed us all to ask a lot of questions. Why are we here? What is our goal? Who is our goal? What is a campus ministry? What are we doing? Why are we doing it? What is our purpose? Do I want to be part of it? Do I want to follow Jesus? Where is He going?

Asking ourselves these questions can be tiring, but it’s good. It has forced us to think and to lean on God. He wants to give clarity, not confusion. So we are trusting that God will lead and speak, and we will be patient and faithful in the meantime. This time apart gives us time to draw near to Him, and to let Him speak, convict, encourage, and guide rather than just trying to copy or get the answers from each other. Most of all, this time apart has made us realize how much we need each other. Having time to rely on God has been good, but relying on God, and walking together, is better. We are excited to get back together again.

What will Summer bring?

As the restrictions for gathering are lifted, it is still unclear how we will proceed with being a campus ministry over the summer months. The summer is always a good time for fellowship, restoration, and preparation for the next year. Please pray for vision as we figure out how to do ministry on a campus after it has been empty for months. This is unclear, but also exciting. God is still ministering, He is still loving, finding the lost, meeting the lonely, and training His disciples. We are excited to see where He takes us this summer, and into the fall.