Street Level International Community Update

May 29, 2018 Believers Church


The school year has come to a close and most of the international students from UW-Stout and UW-River Falls have returned to their home countries. For some of them this is just a summer break and they will be back again next year to continue their studies in America. Others have returned home for good with only this one year of experiences to form their opinions of what it is like to live in the western culture of the United States. When the school year began, we also began a new ministry outreach at Jesus Fellowship of Believers.

Street Level International Community is an arm of Street Level Ministries that was formed in an attempt to reach out to students from other nations that come to our local campuses to further their education. As the school year got underway, we began the year by holding weekly meetings designed to give students a chance to practice their English speaking and fluency. We were excited when two students from Korea showed up for our very first meeting. We really enjoyed our time with them, and discovered how hard it can be to explain exactly why we Americans speak the way that we do. As the semester went along, we had a number of students from China attend and were able to start building some friendships that lasted throughout the year. Some of these students heard about our meeting because they were matched with host families that attend JFB. Others were invited by members of Street Level that connected with international students in their classes on campus. As the semester wore on, the need for practicing their English diminished as their skills and confidence increased. As a result, our outreach efforts shifted more to hosting events such as snow tubing, bowling, and meeting at friends and neighbors houses for meals.

The Past

Looking back on the year, it seems to have gone by very quickly and the amount of time that we were able to spend with each student seems brief. It is easy to wonder if we were able to have any impact on their lives for the kingdom at all. But it is my hope and belief that what they were able to experience while engaging with our group was the kind of warmth, love, and acceptance that can only come from Christian believers who are able to reflect the nature and personality of the one true God. Many of these students come from countries where their belief system does not center on the idea of a personal loving God. Their faith rather is based on deeds to do, concepts to believe, and traditions to follow.

Most of the students that we met don’t follow these beliefs anymore, viewing them as the old ways followed by their grandparents. Most of them come to college with no personal belief or participation in spiritual things. We are prayerful and trust that God will use this interaction with American believers to challenge their thinking and touch their hearts. We were blessed this semester to meet a few students who came from their home countries already born again with a strong belief in God. It was a unique experience to be able to hear stories of how they practice their faith at home, and how that compares to what they experienced here in the states. It was a privilege for use to be able to encourage them in their faith while they were here, and we were sad to see them go.

What’s Next

As the summer comes on, it is a time for us now to look back at lessons learned and to seek God and his direction for this ministry next fall. I wanted to thank all of you what lent a hand to us last year, we couldn’t have done it without you. I would also request your prayers as we dream and scheme for next year that we would fall in line with how God would have us move forward in reaching out to international students.

God Bless, Andy