Burning Dog Radio Streaming Online Soon

January 22, 2021 Street Level Radio

Online Streaming

We’re excited to announce that soon Burning Dog Radio will start streaming online! With a little help from our friends at JFBelievers in Duluth and River Falls, we are going to be able to have our programming available to people outside the reach of our radio broadcast.

We are really excited about this change, and hope that you’ll tune in – we will have a plugin/app available at burningdogradio.com. Please pray for us as we move to make programming changes accordingly. Pray that we can see the effects of this change – we want to be sure we’re using God’s money correctly.

In Menomonie, you can listen to 101.7 FM to hear more about WHEN this will start! Other announcements will be posted on our social media.

Programming Changes

There will be some changes to our programming due to the fact that we are going to be streaming. Some of those changes will include:

  • more promos for Street Level Superior and River Falls
  • promos for Believers Church in Duluth
  • teachings and teaching clips from Pastor Justin in addition to our teaching clips from Pastor Tim in Menomonie.

You will hearing more information about these locations simply due to the fact that now….the station also belongs to them. Pray especially for the reach of the gospel to go out to Superior and Duluth through the teachings, and that we can advertise them well!

We are also planning to team up with WOTS on a more regular basis – so listen in for our Word On the Street segment. This will include snippets of their articles, music, and possibly interviews with the writers.

Remember Remote Broadcasts?!

Sometimes, when you have a radio station – you’re able to do these things called “remote broadcasts”, where you go out with your gear and do a show in a different location. These are cool because you can meet people, interact, promote the station itself….you know…. fun stuff.

We have not been doing much of this through the year, but we hope to get back out there as soon as we can. Prayers for this are appreciated.


Pray for the radio as we start streaming online:

  • that people “far and wide” would listen to Burning Dog Radio and that it would be valuable to them.
  • that we are able to advertise this change well
  • for Duluth and RF churches and Street Level as they become involved

Pray for creativity for us! We need to be creative with our time and resources – especially to reach out this year. Reaching out may be different for us as we start streaming – so pray we keep our eyes open to the changes we are supposed to make!